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Personal Development

Do I need to buy a house now?

Although buying a house is often seen as an important part of the American Dream, many people find it difficult to justify their lifestyle or financial goals. While there are many good reasons to purchase a house it is important to consider your motives before making one of the most significant financial decisions in your life. These are five…

Find Your Niche in No Time

We are recommending that you find your niche. The bottom line: Find your niche by identifying an idea that makes you money and then whittling it down to its essentials. Next, add value to your niche and create unique selling points. Tada! You can think of a product/service you already buy and how you could use your skills to make money selling…

The Hedonic Treadmill – How You Can Jump Off

Have you ever heard of the hedonic treadmill. It's not the newest and most advanced Peloton cardio device. It is a metaphor from behavioral psychology and could offer some valuable insights into your happiness and how to create a healthy work-life mix. Let's not forget about baked goods before we go to metaphorical treadmills. Imagine the…

How to set and stick to your personal development goals

People who envision their future and take action to achieve it will be successful. If you resonate with this statement and have not yet set goals for personal development to achieve success, it's time. You can achieve clarity and mental health by setting goals for areas of your life that you wish to improve. Personal development goals are a…

Motivation: Even when you don’t feel like it

We want to believe that tomorrow will bring us motivation. We are sold the myth that we will be a better version tomorrow and start meal-prepping and reading two books per month. Our ability to dream and not act is what drives a billion-dollar industry. Are you looking for ways to motivate yourself? You can use motivation to create systems that…

Do I choose a used or new car?

"Should i buy a new vehicle?" You can ask almost any personal finance expert this question and they will give you many reasons to buy used. Used cars are a great way to go. However, limiting the scope of "used is best" to only one vehicle is too narrow. Ramit believes that there are more reasons to buy a new vehicle than buying one used. Is…